True innovation demands both creativity and technical prowess.

internauta offers holistic solutions for digital projects and real-world applications by combining conceptual firepower with deep programming skills.

Strategic advice.
Creative direction.
Complex coding.

It’s ideas and expertise that enable ingenuity.
What can internauta create for you?

Hanna Züllig

Thinker, Webdeveloper, Creative Coder and Artist. Founder of the digital studio internauta. internauta is guided by her professional experience in coding, web design and art. This approach merges her artistic sensibilities tuned at the Zurich University of the Arts with the practical know-how gained firsthand during 20 years as a programmer, web project manager and web designer.


Martin Blum, interaction designer and strategist, owner of the French interaction design Studio Blumbyte, Paris. Alex Gustafson Developer, BA Informatics ZHAW, Berlin. Corina Künzli, MA Graphic Design Rietveld Academy, Zurich. Brigitte Lampert Designer, Art Director/Concepter. MA in Communication Design Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design, Zurich. Dominik Stucky BA Interaction Design, ZHDK, Web Professional, Zurich. Emanuel Tschumi, Graphic Designer, Zurich. Viola Zimmermann, MA in Communication Design Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design, Zurich.

Clients (Selection)

Age-Stiftung, Zürich.
AktiveArchive, Bundesamt für Kultur.
André Schmid, Landschaftsarchitekten Zürich.
Architektengruppe Krokodil, Zürich.
Baugenossenschaft Sonnengarten, Zürich.
Benevol Schweiz, Dachorganisation der Deutschschweizer Fachstellen für Freiwilligenarbeit.
Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich.
DRS, Fachstelle Dokumentation und Archive.
EB Zürich, Kantonale Schule für Weiterbildung.
Edition Fink, Zürich.
Florian Dombois, Zürich.
Hilti Art Foundation, Vaduz.
Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur ETH Zürich.
Nexpo, die Initiative der zehn grössten Schweizer Städte für die kommende Landes­aus­stellung.
Mieterinnen- und Mieterverband, Zürich.
Pool Architekten, Zürich.
PUK, Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik, Zürich.
TEC 21, Zürich.
Theater Neumarkt, Zürich.
Verband Museen der Schweiz.
Verband Schweizer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer Bildnerische Gestaltung.
Wipf AG, Volketswil.
Wogeno, Zürich.
Wohnbaugenossenschaft Kraftwerk1, Zürich.
ZHAW, Züricher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften.
ZHDK, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste.

Concept, Interaction Design, Coding
Hanna Züllig, internauta

Concept, Graphic Design
Brigitte Lampert

recreate Studio

Portrait and Studio: Anne Gabriel Jürgens
App: Iris Stutz
ForumZ: Andrea Helbling, Hanna Züllig, pool Architekten
Hilti Art Foundation: Valentin Jeck

Hilti Art Foundation: Susanne Hofer